Why should you prefer Herbs over Allopathy for Kidney Diseases?

It has been seen that kidney diseases are affecting a large percentage of the population worldwide. These diseases are also found as a leading cause of death. It has been observed that irrespective of age, urban and rural India are equally affected by kidney failure, but there are a slightly deaths in urban areas. So, it has been found important to work on the reason causing the spike in renal diseases in India and how to control this problem. The most probable reasons for increased renal problems and diseases are emerging life-style disorders like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. These diseases are taking a massive toll on the functioning of the kidney. It has also been observed that the symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, etc. mask the symptoms of renal failure, and when kidney failure is detected, it gets too late. Even in the cases where kidney disorders are confirmed, patients prefer the ways to quickly fix the pain with painkillers, which in turn aggravate the problem ...