Beat Kidney Cancer with the help of Ayurveda Treatment

Kidneys, also known as the filtering organs, are the two bean-shaped organs located above the waist on both sides of the spine. These two works continuously and remove all the waste materials, excess minerals and excess water from our body and consequently protects us from life-threatening conditions. What if my kidney does not function properly? Cancer is amongst the deadliest challenges spreading drastically in the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, cancer caused 9.6 million deaths in 2018. Ayurveda, an age-old phenomenon, aims at holistic health. It not only treats but suggests you a lifestyle that helps to keep you disease free throughout. Now, the question that clicks to our mind is – Can Ayurveda treat Cancer? 

Are there any medicines or drugs in Ayurveda that can treat or reverse cancer? The answer is “Yes”! Ayurveda treatment can beat Kidney Cancer if detected in an early stage. Since Ayurveda treatment aims and works to cure the root cause of the disease, it can be a boon to the prevailing Kidney Cancer Disease. It made scientists focus research on complementary and alternative medicine for the management of cancer.

Let’s try to understand a little about the types, signs, probable causes, and the possible Ayurvedic treatment for kidney cancer.

Let’s understand about the various types of Kidney Cancer

Despite the class, caste, creed, age or gender, kidney cancer can affect anyone. Kidney cancer can be understood as an uneven and uncontrolled increase in the number of body cells. It occurs in either one or both kidneys. This uneven growth forms a lump inside the kidneys and thus hampers the normal functioning of kidneys.

The common types of kidney cancer are:-

Renal Cell Carcinoma

This is the commonest type of kidney cancer. It can be seen mostly in adults. This kind develops in the proximal renal tubules that make up the kidney’s filtration system.

Wilms Tumour/Nephroblastoma

This type of cancer is commonly seen in children. This type of cancer is treatable and post-treatment; children can have a healthy life. Generally, it develops in one kidney, but can affect both the kidneys.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma/ Urothelial Carcinoma

This type of cancer develops typically in the urinary system in adults.. It is most commonly seen in the kidney region where the kidney stores urine(known as renal pelvis) before moving to the bladder. It starts by developing with the lining of the renal pelvis and later reaches the bladder. This type of cancer can be detected with the most common symptoms of blood in the urine, continuous back pain, etc.

Renal Sarcoma

This type of cancer is very rare. It occurs in the soft tissues and the thin layer surrounding the kidneys. In most of the conditions; it is developed due to secondary involvement with a retroperitoneal origin. The cases of this kidney cancer are less than 1% in all cases related to kidney cancer.

How can you identify if you are suffering from Kidney Cancer?

Mostly, in the early stages of kidney cancers, you rarely experience any symptoms. Also, there are symptoms that are casually ignored by most of us but actually should be the must-noted symptoms. These can be the significant signs one is experiencing and the person is likely to be suffering or in a later stage might develop kidney cancer. On the contrary, it is also not true that if these are the symptoms you are experiencing it would always be due to kidney cancer. It can be due to some other medical conditions also. These signs and symptoms of kidney cancer can be cured from the roots with the help of the Ayurveda treatment naturally.

Some of the most prevalent symptoms are -

  • Anemia
  • Blood in urine or hematuria
  • Cold, flu, urinary infections, and fever.
  • Decreased or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Lumps on the side or back
  • Pressure or pain in the back and sides
  • Swelling in the legs or the ankles
  • Sudden weight loss

But one should never neglect any sign or symptom, or else you will lose the timely opportunity to catch the disease. Apart from the signs, the causes are also important and must be known.

What are the risky factors that lead you to Kidney cancer?

The risk factors are the attributes that increase the chances of getting any disease in the human body. There are different risk factors associated with different kinds of kidney cancers. Some factors are the ones that are acquired due to unhealthy lifestyle, while others are the genetic factors, and are impossible to change but can be controlled. It has been found by scientists that there are many factors that contribute to the development of kidney cancer.

Is your increasing weight or obesity a point of concern?

Due to unhealthy eating habits and the lack of physical activity, obesity is highly prevalent amongst all ages and classes. The group of population that is at a higher risk of developing kidney cancer is the one consisting of over-weights and are heading towards obesity. Obesity causes specific changes in the hormones that could eventually lead to renal cell carcinoma.

Change in blood pressure can be alarming to your kidney health

Kidney produces hormones that help to control blood pressure. High blood pressure is the most commonly found cause of kidney cancer. Although the reason is yet to be found, there are studies suggesting that the medications used for the treatment of high blood pressure in the long run, can increase the risk for kidney cancer.

Smoking causes irreversible damage to your kidneys

The risk of getting Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is higher when smoking tobacco. Smoking causes the deadliest form of kidney cancer but can be saved with a healthy lifestyle. Even if you quit smoking, it will take many years to reach the level of risk of a non-smoking person.

What am I inheriting from my family genetically, concerned for my Kidney health?

Genetic flaws are one of the primary reasons that cause kidney cancer. The risk of transmittance of kidney cancer increases if any of the family members has this disease. The reason for this is not apparent yet. It is probably due to the fact that you share the same genes they have, or the contagious reason i.e., they are also exposed to the same environment, or both together can be the reason behind this cancer.

Ayurvedic Treatment can be a blessing to Kidney Cancer

Scientists, throughout the world, put their best efforts to fight kidney cancer. The principle of Ayurveda treatment is based on the equilibrium of tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and this can be obtained from herbs or herbal-extracts, which are known from ages for prevention and cure of different types of cancers and tumors. The scientists are now focusing and turning towards the approach of adopting a natural lifestyle, which is also the basis of Ayurveda.

It is evident that for many diseases and conditions Ayurvedic treatments provide better results with no side effects. It works on the roots, providing a sense of relief to the patient for a long duration. Since Ayurveda aims for holistic health, it also advises other measures like counselling, yoga, meditation, pranayama, etc. for the treatment of cancer. While finding the kidney cancer treatment in Ayurveda, the following points are suggested -

  1. Rasayanas are those special preparations that help in the renovation of health and also promote good health.
  2. Resist tri dosha causing foods that imbalances Vata, pitta, and Kapha
  3. Ayurvedic medicines can treat or reverse kidney cancer in its 1st or 2nd stage. In the 3rd or 4th stage, it becomes difficult to manage entirely, but the pain can be reduced.
  4. Ayurveda re-establishes a healthy digestive system.
  5. Ayurveda can work as co-therapy to radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
  6. Ayurvedic medicines minimize the adverse effects of other adopted treatments.
  7. There are studies that suggest that Honey that is generally prescribed in Ayurveda can induce apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma.

This article has helped us to gain knowledge about Kidney Cancer and how ayurvedic treatment can help us to overcome this problem. It is gently requested you to please consult your physician for any treatment.


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