Fabry Kidney Disease and Ayurveda

What is Fabry Disease?

Fabry disease is a genetic disorder. It occurs when the body lacks an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase A (alpha GAL). This enzyme is necessary for the breakdown of fats to remove them from cells and can easily pass out or be recycled for other functions. In cases where alpha GAL is missing or present in low amounts, sphingolipids, a fat-like substance, tend to build up in cells of the blood vessels and tissues of the kidneys, heart, skin, and brain. With time, it can lead to life-threatening problems like kidney failure, heart attacks, and strokes. It is a genetic disorder, an inherited condition passed from parent to child. It’s sometimes called Anderson-Fabry disease.

What causes Fabry Kidney Disease (FKD)?

Fabry kidney disease or Fabry Disease affecting other organs is a genetically inherited disorder passing this condition from parents to children. It occurs when the gene that helps to make the enzyme, alpha GAL, is abnormal. Thus, the body can make little or no alpha GAL. Since the information is carried on genes on the X chromosome, it tends to develop more severe symptoms in males, while the milder form of the disease is observed in females.

What are the signs and symptoms of Fabry Kidney Disease?

It is generally observed that the person having this disease tends to experience different symptoms and complications. It is also seen that symptoms also change with the progress of the disease.

The most commonly observed symptoms in Children and Teenagers with Fabry disease are:

  • A tingling sensation or Pain is observed in the hands and feet. At times we observe severe bouts of pain that last for minutes to days.
  • Decreased ability to sweat in children causes overheating. Thus, frequent fevers and sensitivity to hot weather are also observed.
  • Skin rashes [reddish-purplish] are seen on buttocks, around groyne, upper thighs, around the belly button and sometimes on elbows and knees.
  • Corneal pattern - A starburst pattern is seen on the cornea. The pattern can be easily examined by an ophthalmologist. It normally does not affect the vision.

Since the problem progresses with age; as patients get older, damage caused to blood vessels leads to additional issues such as:-

  • Kidney problems – Fabry disease reducing the function of kidneys is known as Fabry Kidney Disease. If the conditions worsen, it will progress to kidney failure requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant. Most patients with FKD will have protein and blood in their urine.
  • Stomach problems – FKD patients often observe pain after eating. Diarrhoea and nausea are also observed.
  • Heart problems – Lack of alpha GAL enzyme can cause damage to the heart and blood vessels. The condition may worsen to an enlarged heart, poorly functioning heart valves, cardiac arrhythmias, heart attack, or heart failure.
  • Neurological disorders - Damage to the nervous system will cause weakness, head pain, numbness, dizziness, and stroke.
  • Hearing disorders – Tinnitus or gradual loss of hearing is observed.
  • Emotional issues – People have been observed with emotional problems for their condition and fear and depression of passing the condition to their kids.

How is Fabry Kidney Disease diagnosed?

It is not easy to identify the symptoms of Fabry Kidney disease, as the symptoms of FKD are mostly found overlapping with other diseases. If you can recognize one or more of the symptoms listed, you must speak to your doctor. After a thorough examination, the doctor will decide if the following tests are required:

  • Enzyme assay – It is an assessment that measures the amount of alpha GAL enzyme activity in your blood.
  • Genetic testing – It is a test done to identify the presence of affected genes. It is a more effective test for women, who generally have a milder form of the disease.

How is Fabry disease treated?

Enzyme Replacement:

It is a well-known fact that scientists are working hard to find an effective long-term treatment to relieve symptoms and prevent long-term complications, such as heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. After conducting a lot of research, a form of the missing enzyme, alpha GAL, is made by recombinant DNA technology. The glissade beta can be given intravenously which helps to reduce fat deposits in many types of cells. It is expected that this will help to prevent damage to important organs and support patients with Fabry disease to live healthier lives.

Kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering the wastes and toxins from the body. The build-up caused by this disease will increase the workload of kidneys. This increase in workload will end up failing the normal functioning of kidneys and ultimately you may suffer from End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

What does Ayurveda have for Fabry Kidney Disease?

Ayurveda is an age-old natural system of medicine. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda can be defined as knowledge of life. The concepts of prakriti (body's constitution), and doshas (life forces) are the primary basis of ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body and the environment.

Ayurvedic treatment starts with cleansing, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, followed by a special diet, and then comes the role of herbal medicines.

It is very much obvious that when you are diagnosed with any disease then you look for the treatment that would work for the enhancement of your physical and mental well-being. Modern medicines, although working hard, still have limited options providing a sense of relief for a shorter period of time.

ayurvedic kidney disease treatment in the India

Fabry kidney disease treatment with Ayurveda can help you bring your health back. Ayurveda is all-natural and does not have major side effects. The herbal medicines help in healing the damaged tissues and organs in your body. These medicines work in a manner to revive your kidney function and uproot the disease. It always works in conjunction with Yoga and diet therapy. The mix of individualized diet charts, herbal medicines along with other healing therapies can help you in bringing back your life to normal. The practice of yoga is also recommended as this can help you bring peace to your body, mind and soul.


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