Why should you prefer Herbs over Allopathy for Kidney Diseases?

It has been seen that kidney diseases are affecting a large percentage of the population worldwide. These diseases are also found as a leading cause of death. It has been observed that irrespective of age, urban and rural India are equally affected by kidney failure, but there are a slightly deaths in urban areas. So, it has been found important to work on the reason causing the spike in renal diseases in India and how to control this problem.

The most probable reasons for increased renal problems and diseases are emerging life-style disorders like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. These diseases are taking a massive toll on the functioning of the kidney. It has also been observed that the symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, etc. mask the symptoms of renal failure, and when kidney failure is detected, it gets too late. 

Even in the cases where kidney disorders are confirmed, patients prefer the ways to quickly fix the pain with painkillers, which in turn aggravate the problem rather than treating the root causes of the illness. Consequently, we are left with the painful and expensive choice of dialysis or transplant for survival after a certain period. Rather it would be smart to look for a cost-effective long-term treatment that should not have a heavy toll on the human body.

It would be wise to pick optimal management of kidney diseases at an early stage, like reducing cardiovascular disease, treating albuminuria, avoiding potential nephron-toxins, adjusting the drug doses etc. Patients should also be monitored for complications like hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, anaemia, and other metabolic abnormalities.

Ayurveda is the basis of life. It offers treatment for all different stages of renal problems. The success of Ayurveda is based on the fact that it treats renal issues or any other ailment by assessing the individual nature/prakriti and problem. The diet and medicine prescribed in Ayurveda is always customized as per the particular requirement. Each patient has a unique set of Prakriti, doshas, and its causative factors–all of which are considered before giving treatment and medicines. This individualized customization makes it possible to address the disease with more accuracy.

What should we know about Kidney Diseases?

Kidney disease (KD) or Nephrotic disease can be considered as an umbrella term for any renal disease. But any of it could result in a progressive loss of kidney function over time. Unlike the liver, the kidney possesses only a limited capacity for regeneration. The pathological changes associated with KD include glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis resulting in the loss of normal renal architecture, microvascular capillary rarefaction, hypoxia, and tubular atrophy. These changes lead to the loss of filtration capacity and could lead to ESRD (end-stage renal disease). Kidney failure is seen as a silent epidemic. Kidney Failure or Chronic Renal Failure is a group of symptoms characterized by progressive and irreversible decline in renal function.

What is the view of Ayurveda on Kidney diseases?

In Ayurveda, all kidney related disorders are considered under Prameha. Prameha means all clinical conditions involved in obesity, prediabetes, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome. According to Ayurveda, kidney diseases occur due to blockage of body channels called srotas. These srotas are responsible for the flow of liquid into and out of the kidneys. If any blockage is in the incoming channels, then shrinkage will occur. However, the blockage in the outgoing channels leads to swelling. When kidneys are not able to clear the toxins from the blood, it starts accumulating in the body. This accumulation of toxins causes diseases. The improper functioning of kidneys causes an imbalance of electrolytes. Along with distortion in kidney functions, it hampers red blood cell production. Usually, these processes occur silently, and the signs and symptoms are identified later.

Why prefer Ayurvedic herbs over Allopathic medicines?

Ayurveda is a science that originated in India. However, today it has been practiced across the globe. It is an ancient medicinal practice for managing our ailments. This way of treatment is holistic in nature, i.e., it is not just focused on the symptoms of disease but also takes into account a lot other factors like the conditions of mind, body, and soul. It is primarily based on the concept that a balance between mind, body, and spirit leads to good health.

The science of Ayurveda says there are three doshas (body types) known as pitta, vata, and kapha, respectively. As per Ayurveda, any disease occurs due to an imbalance of these doshas. Ayurveda treatment aims to balance these doshas. If a person has an imbalance in doshas, they will show physical or emotional characteristics. Therefore, pacification of these doshas helps to treat the disease.

Integrating the theories of treatment of Ayurveda in the management of renal disorders has shown promising results. Although Prameha is a Tridosh Vyadhi (a condition involving all three of the psychophysiologic principles known as doshas), it is a disease caused by the predominance of Kapha.

Ayurvedic treatment has been proven exceptionally powerful in treating kidney disease. It works sympathetically and eliminates kidney problems along with the restoration of damaged kidney cells. Ayurvedic medicine uses an herbal preparation that works towards the enhancement of the functioning of kidneys. It offers treatment for various renal problems. An ayurvedic practitioner also integrates yoga, meditation, personalised lifestyle, and diet recommendations to align the doshas. These are the few herbs mentioned in Ayurvedic texts that are being used as per requirement in treatment of renal diseases.

1. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

Punarnava possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It works by reducing the accumulation of the fluids in kidneys. It also helps to treat oedema (swelling around the feet and joints). It helps in maintaining a fluid balance in the body by maintaining adequate urine outflow.

2. Varun

Varun is a powerful ayurvedic medicine. It works by improving the urinary function and also provides strength to the prostate gland. Varun is found to be consisting of a chemical compound known as lupeol. It prevents the accumulation of oxalate in the body by deactivating the glycolate oxidase enzyme. This decreases the formation of stones in kidneys. It is also helpful in treatment of intestinal bleeding, intestinal worms, and chronic migraines. It has been proven as a very effective ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem.

3. Kaasni

All kidney disorders can be treated by Kaasni. It has anti-inflammatory action that helps in relieving inflammation in the kidneys. It also works effectively on respiratory troubles, chronic constipation, and low haemoglobin levels also. This can be considered as a miraculous medicine for creatinine treatment in Ayurveda.

4. Palaash

Palaash is a herb used in ayurvedic medicines for creatinine and all other kidney problems. Palaash has been found effective in treating the damages caused to kidneys due to decreased liver functioning. Its antimicrobial and anthelmintic action aids in ayurvedic treatment, by helping in eliminating the intestinal worms and parasites. Chewing of palash leaves can also help to treat digestive ailments, cold and sore throat.

5. Gokshur

Gokshur is a herb that helps in urinary problems. It works by relieving the inflammation and thus treats chronic kidney diseases. Gokshur also works for enhancement of the immunity of the body.

The information provided above is for reading purposes. Please refer to your physician before using.


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