How Obesity Affects the Health of a Kidney Disease Patient?

Try Ayurvedic treatment for CKD for healthy kidneys

It's no secret that obesity is the known cause of many serious health complications that can even take your life if not controlled in time. Being obese enhances can make you prone to have serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and atherosclerosis ( accumulation of fatty deposits inside your arteries) which can keep you at higher risk of having a stroke or heart disease.

The estimated prevalence of obesity in India is more than 135 million people, making India stand in 3rd place in the Global Obesity Index. The real reason obesity is increasing in India is the rapid inclination towards a sedentary lifestyle followed by a poor diet. Obesity opens the portal of many health complications, such as-

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Neurological disease
  • Asthma
  • Weaken immune system
  • Sexual problems, such as fertility
  • Anxiety and depression

Can obesity become a threat to your kidneys?

Obesity targets the whole body, but primarily it affects your kidneys' functioning. Being overweight can make you vulnerable to developing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes that can affect your kidney, leading you to chronic kidney failure.


People with diabetes are always at the stake of experiencing kidney complications. Studies have shown that around 30 per cent of patients who have type 1 diabetes and 10 to 14 per cent of people who have type 2 diabetes will likely have kidney-related problems at some point in their lives.

Diabetes increases sugar in the bloodstream, making blood thick and hard to filter by your kidneys. This condition increases the workload on your kidneys to purify sufficient amounts of blood needed by your body for performing various bodily processes. Because of being overworked, your kidneys develop inflammation inside them and start losing their functioning with time.

High blood pressure

If you're consuming salt more than 2,300 mg per day, then you're likely to have a high blood pressure problem at some point in your life. High blood pressure damages the inner walls of your blood vessels and weakens them, which reduces the blood supply to the different parts of the body, including the kidneys. Due to low blood supply, your kidneys don't get enough work for their working, and they ultimately lose their functioning.

High cholesterol levels

Not only your kidneys, having high cholesterol levels is a hazard for other primary organs of your body, such as the heart, liver, and lungs. High cholesterol levels lead to plaque accumulation (A stick waxy fat-like substance) inside the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. This condition reduces that blood supply to your kidneys that gradually leads to a permanent loss of your kidneys' functioning.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

CKD is a cumulative loss of kidney functioning that takes decades to progress with time. A person suffering from CKD might not feel any symptoms or complications in 2 -3 weeks of losing their kidneys' functioning. However, when the disease progresses with time, symptoms will get visible, which include the following -

  1. Blood in urine
  2. Having frequent urges to pass urine
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Having pain or pressure on the chest
  5. Weight loss without even trying anything
  6. Bubbly or foamy urine with a strong foul smell
  7. Nausea and vomiting
  8. Fatigue
  9. Insomnia
  10. Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet due to excessive fluid retention
  11. Anxiety and depression
  12. Recurring pain in the lower back

Other reasons for chronic kidney disease

Kidney disease can be a result of various environmental and biological stresses that cause harm to your kidneys, such as-

  • Overconsumption of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Ingestion of certain medications, such as painkillers, antidepressants, aspirin, antibiotics, etc.
  • Obstruction in the urinary tract due to kidneys stones, enlarged prostate, colon cancer.
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Family history of kidney disease

When to see a doctor?

It's important to see a doctor if you're feeling any of the following symptoms that we have already discussed above in this article. CKD can be cured with routine medication, but if overlooked or not, getting diagnosed in time can bring a storm over your health which can be life-threatening.

Is there any way to stop CKD?

In allopathy, CKD can be only prevented for a shorter period. In simple words, a person with CKD is dependent on medications to live. At the end-stage renal failure, a person with CKD is only left with 15 to 20% of their kidney's functioning and need to undergo kidney transplantation or dialysis to live. If you're looking for a genuine revival of your kidneys' functioning without having any physical abnormalities that people mostly face in allopathy, try Ayurvedic treatment for CKD.

Ayurvedic Hospital for Kidney Treatment in India

Why Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is one of the oldest Indian system medicines passed down for centuries from one generation to another in India. From the past few decades, Ayurveda has gotten a lot of hype worldwide. The biggest reason behind the appealing reach of yoga is the results it has been offering.

Ayurvedic treatment for CKD is derived from nature from the extraction of several herbs, leaves, and fruits that work effectively on the ground causes of the problem to give permanent relief. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is based on the science of natural healing that focuses on healing any type of physical and psychological abnormalities with herbs.

Ayurveda never distinguishes or separated the preventive and curative aspects of health. This means Ayurveda not only focuses on the physiological aspects of health but primarily works to maintain the connectedness between your mind, body, and spirit to maintain a healthy balance in the body.


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