Raj Kumar Suffering from Kidney Failure a Long Time

Hello, my name is Raj Kumar. I was suffering from kidney failure a long time ago. His creatinine level was 6.9mg/dl, and after ayurvedic treatment from Karma Ayurveda, it reduced to 4.3mg/dl. He is fine now but gets emotional while talking with Dr. Puneet Dhawan. Dr. Puneet saved my life.

My kidney was damaged due to a high creatinine level. My kidney failure was treated by taking ayurvedic treatment, which benefits me. It was a miracle for everyone because, during the allopathic medicine, the doctor told me that your kidney’s recovery is very difficult because your creatinine level is very high. My kidney problem was cured by creatinine ayurvedic treatment, and I’m absolutely fine.

Raj Kumar Suffering from Kidney Failure a Long Time

Initially, I did not understand the symptoms of kidney failure. The information was improper, and I realized sudden pain in my stomach and gas produced in the stomach. I understood the problem and took acidity medicine to reduce the stomach pain from gas. I used to do the same, but it became my habit to take an acidity pill after some time. Then, I was diagnosed with a Kidney problem.

The problem was discovered when, one day, I felt very severe pain in my stomach. Then, it was not stopped until my son took me to the nearest private hospital.

I had some tests done, and the doctor told me my creatinine level was very high, 6.9mg/dl. Due to high creatinine, the complications in my kidney increased significantly, so my one kidney stopped working.

I was very scared to hear about kidney failure because I didn't even think the pain could also be a symptom of my kidney failure. I have never heard before about it and creatinine.

The symptoms of kidney failure began to happen. I got allopathy treatment for some time but did not get any relief. After some time, I had trouble urinating, and red-coloured urine was coming. I felt like I’m peeing blood. My blood urea was very high.

The doctor advised me to go for dialysis. After all, my creatinine was very high. I had no idea what to do. I should have done dialysis or not one day, my son saw a video on the internet related to kidney disease about what actually dialysis Is? Then my son learned about Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment without dialysis on the YouTube channel. Karma Ayurveda.

He showed many videos of patients cured by Ayurvedic treatment of Karma Ayurveda. We learned how lakhs of kidney patients were fixed by taking ayurvedic kidney treatment.

We consulted Dr. Puneet, a specialist for Ayurvedic treatment of kidneys, at Karma Ayurveda Hospital. We booked an appointment to meet him. He saw all my reports and explained that your kidney malfunction had increased, and your left kidney was already shrinkage.

Your ayurvedic kidney treatment can take a long time, but there is nothing to worry about. Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment was done without dialysis. I took ayurvedic medicines regularly and noticed a difference in my health from the first dose. I have been taking ayurvedic medicines for a month.


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